Tickets articles

Step by Step guide to create the ideal Machu Picchu trip

Step by Step guide to creating your own Machu Picchu Trip Visiting Machu Picchu with the mandatory times, train times, bus departures etc…did not become easier but not …

Problems with paying for Machu Picchu tickets online?

As every year the official government website ( is running behind on the sale of Machu Picchu tickets for 2020. At this time (December 2019) …

Overall cost Of traveling to Peru & MP?

As with many of the new world wonders, traveling to Machu Picchu comes at a cost. The actual costs can of course be influenced by the choices of the individual traveler but for …

New rules for Machu Picchu in 2017, are some being enforced in 2020?

In 2017 the INC, governing body for Machu Picchu started implementing new rules and regulations for visitors to Machu Picchu. The aim for these are to better manage the number of …